Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Too Fast

It sucks at how fast everything is going right now. I wanted this year to be the best, senior year is suppose to be the greatest because it is your last year, but I feel like I have no time to actually appreciate it. I am getting told everyday that I need to make a decision about college, which I am, even though I am already accepted into one. I feel that time is just moving so fast that I don't know when it will slow down.

People have changed this year too, me included, but some have turned to the worst. I just want to forget about all this summer but I see how you are acting like it's all my fault and it pisses me off. I try to talk to you and be civil but them you post these blogs where you call me an immature middle school person. I haven't once said crap about you even though you seem to think so, so honestly from now on I am done trying. It's too hard for me to forgive people and I was willing to until I saw that blog. I dislike this place so much and I can't wait to get the heck out of here, I don't need this crap with high school. There is a real world out there that will shock everyone, it isn't as easy as people think.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Whoo Hoo

I'm trying out this new blogging thig so we will see how it goes. Tonight I found out I have been admitted to University of Nebraska in Lincoln. It felt like weights getting lifted off my shoulders becasue I know I'm not a total loser. Just Kidding. This school isn't the sure place I am going right now, but it is one of my top picks. It jsut felt awesome reading that I had been accepted, I thought every school was going to reject me, sothis was great news. I started crying which is really crazy because it usually isn't something you would cry over, but I was so happy. This has turned out to be a great night even after a crazy day of Hardee's haha.