Sunday, December 16, 2007

Live from reading Hamlet Analysis

For my English class we have to read this 20 page analysis of Hamlet. I thought when I first started to read it that it was going to be horrible, but when I started to read it I loved it. It brought up points about the book I had never thought about. I know the rest of the class will probably find it boring, but wow I was amazed it was awesome.
Anyways...I always have drama it seems like. I try to have drama filled days but that never happens. Today my friends started to scheme up a plan to get my other friend to not come with us to formal dinner. I know it is so lame, especially for a dinner. When I heard that they were doing this I asked them if they wanted this other friend, not the one they don't like, to come. They all said yes, and I told them this one won't come unless the one they dislike comes. They all then volunteered me to go talk to the"good" friend to get her to come. Well I don't think I am going to do that because that just feels like being a backstabber, and I really have had enough of that. So I have decided iwill tell the "good" friend what is going on and then her, the one everyone hates, and I can maybe go to dinner together. I jsut don't understand people anymore.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Live from Cold as Heck Montana

I think there should be more time in a day. I honestly have not gotten enough sleep this week. Well maybe that is my fault but still. Anywhoo...This week I got back from Oregon and then had to go to school. I know you are just bursting with excitement at the mention of school, but hold it in. It hasn't been too bad this week, I've had 3 quizzes and one test which I forgot to study for about half of those but oh well.

This week has opened my eyes a lot more though. I have been telling my mom I am so tired of this town and everything and things that happened finally proved it. I honestly can say that people in Montana are superficial. It's about all of thier drama and it's about thinking up ways of screwing people over. Some people are angry because supposively someone is spreading a rumor that they have a date for formal. Wow what a rumor I would take that as a compliment. Anyways they are now pretending to have fake boyfriends to make this person think that they actually do have dates. By the way all the "rumor" spreader did was ask them a question about if they had dates and that was the "rumor." Anyways now they are trying to get people into this joke on this person and they told me and I bluntly told them they were stupid, which resulted with me getting told that "I have something up my ass" and that "I am so grouchy all the time." Yea, all because I said that. So yea you know how high school drama works it is all about who you are and keeping that persona up.Which is stupid I jsut don't understand why people can't be themselves...yes, I am very laid back and I try not to get caught up in the drama and somehow that makes me into a grouchy person according to my friends. Yes I am not the most emtion filled person and yes I hate drama, but somehow I get wrapped in it and when I tell people to grow up and stop the drama I get the evil looks and all that jazz. I actually was really excited about formal this year, but now I have no interest to go. Don't get me wrong I love to dance (not very well) and I love to go to these "school functions" but with the people who are gonna be there it is going to be a drama filled evening. I should make a movie out of it and then show it to everyone and see if they admit it, they won't.
To come to a conclusion I can't wait to get out of here.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Live from Forest Grove Oregon

Sitting here I have been thinking about how excited I am to leave high school and all the drama that comes with it. Coming out to Oregon and visiting this college has been an awesome experience. Today I had a tour and met with some of the professors for film production and also the softball coach. The Pacific media arts might be small right now but it is so good it is the best one in the Northwest. Today was just an amazing experience and I really like it out here. It isn't to hot and it doesn't snow all the time like in Montana. I am just in awe at how impressed I am with tis place. You truly don't know how great this place is until you visit. The academic part of it is also amazing. I know if I go here no matter what type of degree I come out with at the end this school seems like it will provide me with the first steps into my "adult" life. I was talking about how the media arts program was great and after having one of the professors show me around I just want to go home and work on my three minute synopsis of Hamlet that I have to do for English. I am inspired by so many different things out here.
Yesterday when my brother picked me up he gave me a tour of Portland and showed me all the different places. Walking around and getting on the one things I can't remember what they are called, but they are like trolley cars, I started to feel like writing and filming. There is something out here tat just is like a muse or something. I also love how it is a big city only 45 minutes form Forest Grove, which if you didn't know that is Portland but anyways I love big cities and you can easily walk around the whole place. You don't need a car or anything but everything is right at your fingertips. I can't stress how much I have started to love this area of Oregon.
This isn't my final decision yet, I am still going to go visit Nebraska and see how I like it there I just need to be able to do it on my own when I go on the tour. I think that is one of the great things I loved about this trip. I was able to go out on my own and talk to these people on my own I didn't have parents here I was able to just look at it by myself. I just hope I can decide soon which one I feel he greatest at.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Too Fast

It sucks at how fast everything is going right now. I wanted this year to be the best, senior year is suppose to be the greatest because it is your last year, but I feel like I have no time to actually appreciate it. I am getting told everyday that I need to make a decision about college, which I am, even though I am already accepted into one. I feel that time is just moving so fast that I don't know when it will slow down.

People have changed this year too, me included, but some have turned to the worst. I just want to forget about all this summer but I see how you are acting like it's all my fault and it pisses me off. I try to talk to you and be civil but them you post these blogs where you call me an immature middle school person. I haven't once said crap about you even though you seem to think so, so honestly from now on I am done trying. It's too hard for me to forgive people and I was willing to until I saw that blog. I dislike this place so much and I can't wait to get the heck out of here, I don't need this crap with high school. There is a real world out there that will shock everyone, it isn't as easy as people think.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Whoo Hoo

I'm trying out this new blogging thig so we will see how it goes. Tonight I found out I have been admitted to University of Nebraska in Lincoln. It felt like weights getting lifted off my shoulders becasue I know I'm not a total loser. Just Kidding. This school isn't the sure place I am going right now, but it is one of my top picks. It jsut felt awesome reading that I had been accepted, I thought every school was going to reject me, sothis was great news. I started crying which is really crazy because it usually isn't something you would cry over, but I was so happy. This has turned out to be a great night even after a crazy day of Hardee's haha.